
  1. 2. is the tallest player of all time
  2. 4. is the best shooter in nba history
  3. 5. is the best player currentlly
  4. 6. is my favirote player
  5. 7. is the best at laypus of all time
  6. 9. is the gretest center of all time
  7. 11. has the best vertical in nba history
  8. 12. is the best pg of all time
  1. 1. is the smallest play of alltime
  2. 3. is gonna be the best player of his generation
  3. 7. has greats the greatest handles
  4. 8. is the best defneder curenlty
  5. 10. bird is the 2nd greats shooter of all time
  6. 12. is the greatst player of all time