
  1. 2. to give the ball to a teammate
  2. 5. a violation when you walk without dribbling
  3. 8. a violation committed against an opponent for touching them
  4. 9. to get the ball from the other team as a defender
  5. 10. points scored outside the arc are worth ???
  6. 12. to run up to the hoop and guide the ball in for 2 points
  1. 1. trying to stop the other team from scoring; hands up
  2. 3. to throw the ball into the net
  3. 4. the ball used to shoot through a hoop
  4. 5. points scored inside the arc are worth ??
  5. 6. to stop the other team from scoring by hitting the ball out of the air
  6. 7. bouncing the ball up and down; must do this to move with the ball
  7. 11. the circle that you shoot the ball into