Basketball Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. It occurs when the dribbling player continues to dribble after allowing the ball to come to rest in one or both hands and/or places their hand underneath the basketball
  2. 7. In basketball, free throws or foul shots are unopposed attempts to score points by shooting from behind the free-throw line, a line situated at the end of the restricted area’s
  3. 8. A type of defense, used in team sports, which is the alternative to man-to-man defense
  4. 9. The protective rebounding position a basketball player takes around the hoop to block an opposing player
  5. 10. A rebound is credited to a team when it gains possession of the ball after any missed shot that is not cleared by a single player A rebound is credited to a team when it gains possession of the ball after any missed shot that is not cleared by a single player
  6. 12. A player who passes the ball to a teammate in a way that leads directly to a score by field goal
  7. 13. A shot in basketball played to rebound from the backboard into the basket
  8. 14. In basketball, traveling is a violation that occurs when a player takes too many steps without dribbling the ball
  9. 16. An area of the court that extends from the free throw line, or foul line, to the baseline, or endline
  1. 1. A shot that misses the rim and backboard
  2. 2. In basketball, a turnover occurs when a team loses possession of the ball to the opposing team before a player takes a shot at their team's basket
  3. 4. A screen is a blocking move by an offensive player in which they stand beside or behind a defender in order to free a teammate to either shoot a pass or drive in to score
  4. 5. An illegal action that happens when a player dribbles the ball with two hands at the same time or starts to dribble again after stopping
  5. 6. Any strategy or formation that adds pressure to the offense to force a turnover
  6. 11. Fast break is an offensive strategy in basketball and handball
  7. 15. A layup in basketball is a two-point shot attempt made by leaping from below, laying the ball up near the basket, and using one hand to bounce it off the backboard and into the basket