Basketball Guru

  1. 2. Dominique's shoe size
  2. 6. LOL
  3. 9. Something Scott doesn't want to challenge Dominique in
  4. 10. movement to and from or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system
  5. 14. the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university
  6. 16. Michael Jordan's favorite number
  7. 17. Physical sensation of desiring food
  8. 18. SAT component
  9. 19. The condition of having three or more loose or liquid bowel movements per day
  1. 1. A game Dominique will NEVER beat Scott in
  2. 3. Dominique's favorite number
  3. 4. The word "red" in Haitian Creole
  4. 5. For every answer in this crossword count this
  5. 7. An old VCR format
  6. 8. Sweet potatoes other name
  7. 11. Jay Z, Beyonce, LeBron James, and Lil Wayne are all _____?
  8. 12. Detroit basketball team
  9. 13. two
  10. 15. Basketball Guru
  11. 20. A request for responses