
  1. 2. What it is called when another player smacks he ball when someone shoots it.
  2. 5. The glass back to the rim.
  3. 6. The thing players play on.
  4. 8. What it is called when a player takes the ball from another player.
  5. 10. The thing that fans gather in to watch a basketball game.
  6. 12. The clock that prevents a team from holding the ball for too long.
  7. 13. Metal circle that the ball goes through.
  1. 1. What it is called when you slam the ball through the rim.
  2. 2. An orange sphere.
  3. 3. Someone who plays basketball.
  4. 4. The line that splits the court in half.
  5. 7. when you give the ball to another player on your team.
  6. 9. A group of players that play together.
  7. 11. The type of shirt players wear.