
  1. 2. The team leader
  2. 5. The goal of the game
  3. 6. An illegal touch or play
  4. 9. The strong man
  5. 11. Get the ball to you teammate
  6. 13. Team effort to score
  7. 15. How to make a point
  8. 16. Who make up the team
  9. 18. The team protectors
  10. 19. The time to play
  1. 1. Have a seat
  2. 3. Big man in the middle
  3. 4. Defensive player
  4. 7. The point makers
  5. 8. The game ball
  6. 10. How to keep score
  7. 12. What is basketball
  8. 14. Start playing for the championship
  9. 15. What you do to win
  10. 17. Michael Jordan