
  1. 2. "Batman will ______ you. He always _______ you."
  2. 4. I dress in very dark gray and _____
  3. 7. "I'm a _______ at home and a _______ at work."
  4. 9. The joker's Power Point presentation was ______.
  5. 10. Asks Batman to take a picture at the Justice League Party
  6. 11. "Nothing bad ever ______ to me."
  7. 13. "I feel nothing but _______."
  8. 15. Batman tells this character to "Come at me bro."
  9. 19. "That was _______."
  10. 20. "I have a ____ pack."
  11. 21. "No, Batman said that. Batman is very _____."
  1. 1. I have green hair and yellow teeth
  2. 3. "Probably worth a ______."
  3. 5. Another name for mask
  4. 6. Commissioner Gordon's daughter
  5. 8. "I don't do ______."
  6. 10. Harvey Dent is also called Two-______
  7. 12. Robin wishes there was a ______ in the Batmobile
  8. 14. "I work_____."
  9. 16. "What the heck _____?"
  10. 17. The last name of Bruce Wayne's butler
  11. 18. Batman lives in Bruce Wayne's ________