
  1. 1. Turning point engagement in the American Civil War in 1863.
  2. 4. Conflict between Athens and Sparta in ancient Greece.
  3. 6. 1853-1856 conflict primarily between Russia and an alliance of France, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire.
  4. 7. Prolonged conflict between England and France over territory.
  5. 9. Conflict between France and Prussia in 1870-71.
  6. 10. Conflict leading to the independence of the United States.
  7. 13. 1990-1991 conflict to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.
  8. 15. 2003 invasion of Iraq based on claims of weapons of mass destruction.
  9. 16. Turning point event on the Eastern Front during WWII.
  10. 19. Longest engagement of WWI, lasting from 1916 to 1917 in France.
  11. 20. War over European thrones in the early 18th century.
  12. 25. Famous event in 490 BC, known for the long-distance run.
  13. 26. Significant event in the American Civil War in 1863.
  14. 28. Decisive event of the English Civil War in 1645.
  15. 33. Major engagement of the American Civil War in 1863.
  16. 35. 1453 conquest that marked the end of the Byzantine Empire.
  17. 37. War fought in the 1860s over issues including slavery in the U.S.
  18. 38. Conflict between North and South Korea from 1950 to 1953.
  19. 39. 1571 naval conflict between the Holy League and the Ottoman Empire.
  20. 41. Major engagement on the Eastern Front during WWI in 1914.
  21. 42. Notable English victory in 1415 during the Hundred Years' War.
  22. 43. Notable WWI event known for its high casualties in 1916.
  23. 44. Final major engagement of the American Revolutionary War.
  24. 45. Conflict fought between the United States and Britain.
  25. 46. 1066 event marking the Norman conquest of England.
  26. 48. Global conflict from 1914 to 1918 involving many nations.
  27. 49. European war fought from 1618 to 1648 involving many nations.
  28. 50. Global war from 1939 to 1945 involving most of the world's nations.
  1. 2. Early engagement in the American Revolutionary War in 1775.
  2. 3. Prolonged conflict in Southeast Asia during the 1960s and 1970s.
  3. 5. 1917-1922 conflict following the Russian Revolution.
  4. 8. U.S.-led conflict following the September 11 attacks.
  5. 11. Last major event fought on British soil in 1746.
  6. 12. Final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815.
  7. 14. Series of conflicts involving Napoleon's French Empire.
  8. 17. Conflict in the 17th century between Parliamentarians and Royalists.
  9. 18. Naval event in 1805 that confirmed British naval supremacy.
  10. 21. Conflict in 1898 resulting in U.S. territorial gains.
  11. 22. Decisive event in the Second Punic War, 202 BC.
  12. 23. Major engagement in the Napoleonic Wars in 1812.
  13. 24. Allied invasion of German-occupied France on June 6, 1944.
  14. 27. Bloodiest single-day event in American history, 1862.
  15. 29. Crucial naval conflict in the Pacific during WWII in 1942.
  16. 30. 1066 event marking the Norman conquest of England.
  17. 31. U.S.-led operation to liberate Kuwait in 1991.
  18. 32. Conflict between the British Empire and two Boer republics in South Africa.
  19. 34. Key Civil War siege leading to Union control of the Mississippi River.
  20. 36. Key event in North Africa during WWII in 1942.
  21. 40. Series of three wars between Rome and Carthage.
  22. 47. 1815 event that ended Napoleon's rule.