Battle of Manila Bay

  1. 5. G. Blaine
  2. 8. Revolt of 1895
  3. 10. battleship that blew up in the Havana harbor. Hot topic for yellow journalism and fired Americans up for war.
  4. 11. the Canal project to completion in 1914 just as WWI was breaking out.
  5. 14. Policy
  6. 15. experiments to determine where yellow fever came from and figured out a way to prevent it.
  7. 16. establish a large Navy.
  8. 17. to fight the Mckinley Administration expansionist moves. Appealed to patriotism, invoked American's "civilizing mission," and played up possible trade profits.
  9. 18. Revolution of 1893
  10. 19. ship that took the trip from a Pacific port to join the Fight in Cuba. Brought the attention to the fact that the US needs a canal connecting the two oceans so they don't have to make the month long trip along the southern tip of South America.
  11. 20. Corollary
  12. 22. of State who started the "Big Sister" policy that died to rally Latin American nations behind Uncle Sam and open to them to American trade. Contributed to American international Growth.
  13. 24. Agreement
  14. 27. Cases
  15. 35. Darwinism to mean the Earth belonged to the stung and the fit. Claimed the whoever controlled Cube, controlled the Gulf of Mexico.
  16. 36. between William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer. Not accurate interpretations of what was going on in the world. A battle over who could sell more papers.
  17. 41. civil governor of the Philippines in 1901. Made friends and liked the "little brown people"
  18. 44. response to the Open-Door Policy and being used as a doormat by major western powers in 1900. Rebellion crushed by 18000 soldiers from around the world, including several thousand form American Philippines.
  19. 47. of the men who helped exterminate Yellow Fever in Havana made the Panama site disease free.
  20. 48. Treaty
  21. 49. of Santiago
  22. 50. filipino insurgents and helped Commodore Dewey fight the Spanish; led a revolt in 1901 against the US after the war with Spain because they did not get freedom like Cuba did.
  23. 51. leader of the whole Army that was assigned to drive the Spanish fleet out of the Santiago harbor. His troops were unsuccessful because they were unequipped and did not have correct leadership. The Rough Riders were apart of this group.
  24. 53. Hay
  25. 54. the Spanish-American war a "splendid little war." Established the Open Door Policy.
  26. 57. the Panama canal option a lot cheaper than any other place.
  27. 59. was a conflict between where the boundary line was in between Venezuela and British Guiana, and America drew the line and stood up to the British. A war seemed inevitable, but the British did not want to start a war with the US so the backed off and let them have to gold filled lands. Then they began to cultivate a friendship with the US when the realized the extent of the European peril.
  28. 60. Wood
  29. 62. Conference
  30. 64. out in 1907-08 between California school board official, Roosevelt, and Japan to cancel the Japanese segregation in schools and to prevent Japanese immigration by withholding passports in the homeland.
  31. 65. Aguinlaldo
  32. 67. sent the American naval fleet on a visible tour around the world to impress Japan and the other world powers with his "big stick." did not want to give them the impression that the US was weak or scared in any way. Created a diplomatic atmosphere in Japan that instigated the signing of the Root-Takahira Agreement in Japan in 1908.
  33. 68. Reed
  34. 70. Roosevelt
  35. 71. Japan and the US to respect each other's territorial possessions in the Pacific and to uphold the Open Door in China.
  36. 72. of Manila Bay
  37. 74. Rebellion
  1. 1. Pulitzer and WIlliam Randolph Hearst
  2. 2. to the world that when the US overthrew the SPanish government in Cuba, they would give the Cubans their freedom. Written along side a declaration of war.
  3. 3. Riders
  4. 4. presided of the first one in 1889. Modest beginnings of an increasingly important series of inter-American assemblages.
  5. 6. of War who established a general staff for the army and founded the War College in Washington.
  6. 7. Crisis of 1890
  7. 9. who advertised foreign exploits as adventures. Competed in "yellow journalism"- continuously trying to outdo each other in a duel for circulation.
  8. 12. Boundary Dispute
  9. 13. into the Cuban Constitution in 1901 to protect Cuba from being overtaken by another imperialist power when American left. Forced them to to agree not to conclude treaties the might compromise their independence and not to take on debt beyond their resources, also agreed the US might intervene whenever they saw fit, and also agreed to sell or lease needed coaling or naval station to the US. Gotten rid of in 1934.
  10. 15. Amendment
  11. 21. Armada squeezes into Santiago harbor and gets blockaded in by American battle ships. Theodore Roosevelt and Colonel Leonard Wood lead a group of Rough Riders in to drive the ships out to the American warships where they will be destroyed.
  12. 23. White Fleet
  13. 25. League
  14. 26. Bunau-Varilla the french leader of the AMerican Canal; kept the price the same, but opened it to 10 miles instead of 6 miles wide.
  15. 28. Root
  16. 29. Agreement
  17. 30. an unapproved message to General George Dewey in Hong King to attack the Spanish Philippines in the event of war; Gathered the Rough Riders after Shafter's troops failed to drive the Spanish fleet out of the Santiago Harbor; Republican VicePresident in the election of 1900; becomes president after Mckinley gets shot in 1901; Enacted Big Stick Policy after he took office;
  18. 31. Nominee in the election of 1900, platform proclaimed that the paramount issue was Republican overseas imperialism. Lost to Mckinley.
  19. 32. Amendment
  20. 33. plan to keep European countries out of Latin America; stated that if the American countries were having financial difficulties, the US would intervene, take over the customhouses, and pay off the debts.
  21. 34. General who went into Cuba to crush the rebellion. Established reconcentration camps that killed the Cuban rebels like dogs.
  22. 37. Cuban's rose against their Spanish oppressors. Could no longer trade with American because of the tariff of 1894, so they tried to get rid of the Spanish with the scorched-earth policy. Spanish General Weyler tried to crush it by his arrival in 1896 and established reconcentration camps.
  23. 38. Bunau-Varilla
  24. 39. of Paris 1899
  25. 40. Gorgas
  26. 42. Taft
  27. 43. by John Hay, urged all the Great Powers to announce that in their leaseholds or spheres of influence they would respect certain Chinese rights and ideal of fair competition.
  28. 45. Treaty
  29. 46. of the Rough Riders in the Battle of Santiago. Helped establish American military government in Cuba before they withdrew.
  30. 49. Stick Policy
  31. 52. Cabot Lodge
  32. 55. Weyler
  33. 56. 1901 the Supreme Court ruled that the flag did outrun the Constitution and the outdistanced document did not necessarily even with full force to the new windfall. Excluded puerto ricans and Filipinos from most American rights.
  34. 58. immigrants were being segregated in schools in San Francisco after an earthquake in 1906 to make room for more whit children in surviving schools. The Japanese objected and Roosevelt came up with the Gentleman's agreement to solve the problem.
  35. 61. Journalism
  36. 63. scheme of american sugar planters to overthrow the Hawaiian queen and annex the country to the united states so they can continue their sugar trade tax-free.
  37. 66. Washington Goethals
  38. 69. Oregon
  39. 73. Mahan