  1. 2. what happens at the end of the final phase of the red supergiant
  2. 4. what keeps star from exsploding
  3. 5. what is our star side on
  4. 6. daker color star are
  5. 8. on the low mass witch star comes out of the protostar
  6. 10. after a red giant is about to die what is going to happend
  7. 14. after the masive star what would come next
  8. 16. on the red dwarf side what comes out of the red dwarf
  9. 17. what comes out of the blue dwarf sun
  10. 18. how is the nebula form
  1. 1. dwarf at the end of the low mass stars phase
  2. 3. what comes after a nebula
  3. 7. what color could consider to be hot
  4. 9. on the high mass star what would be the first form
  5. 11. what else could come out of the nebula on the low mass star
  6. 12. after the the safter the super nova all the bebred cluster to gather and form a
  7. 13. what is the net phase mid sized star
  8. 15. what is the thing that forms stars
  9. 16. its black and it sucks every thing