History of Natural Diseases

  1. 4. an individual that gets routine blood work to measure fasting glucose levels to detect previously undiagnosed cases of diabetes, is a form of _____ prevention
  2. 8. when you are fully recovered and the pathogen is either killed off or in remission
  3. 10. activities to identify cases early, during the subclinical disease stage
  4. 11. when you are usually feeling better and moving around again
  5. 12. an individual changing their diet or physical activity levels can be considered ____ prevention
  6. 13. at the population level, ____ prevention could include installing bike paths and lights to remove a barrier to having a safe place for individuals to exercise
  7. 17. when your symptoms are the worst
  8. 20. this stage marks the end stage of the disease
  9. 22. point when you would most easily be able to be diagnosed by a doctor
  10. 23. For example, the stage of subclinical disease is part of the model for which natural history of disease
  11. 24. time period of increasing more symptoms/illness
  1. 1. the individual is not sick during this stage, however there may be a number of factors that increase the likelihood the disease can occur
  2. 2. activities to help divert cases away from death or disability or towards management or recovery
  3. 3. when the individual is exposed to and infected by the virus, for example
  4. 5. when your symptoms are declining
  5. 6. at a population level _____ prevention could be workplaces implementing screening programs to ensure all their employees get screened yearly for early signs of diabetes
  6. 7. includes community-based programs to support individuals with diabetes to better manage their disease
  7. 9. period of time from the point of infection to the first symptom
  8. 11. the beginning of this stage is marked by the onset of symptoms
  9. 14. activities designed to prevent diseases during the stage of susceptibility
  10. 15. if an individual is experiencing the hardening and narrowing of arteries, but not to the extent it has resulted in symptoms, they would be in the stage of
  11. 16. a disease process has begun but the individual is not aware of it yet
  12. 18. the term equivalent to the incubation period of infectious disease, but for chronic diseases like diabetes or cancer
  13. 19. a common individual level of _____ prevention, would be activities to promote disease management including lifestyle interventions and adhering to medicine protocol
  14. 21. point of first symptom