BBV Work Life

  1. 2. "There is so many cobwebs and bugs, it's like it's straight from a __________ movie!"
  2. 7. "Is there going to be any type of __________ for this??"
  3. 8. "The __________ is not cooling down. The temperature only dropped 1 degree in the last hour!"
  4. 9. "That's the only __________ we rented this house!"
  5. 10. "Do you know how much __________ I spent on this house?"
  6. 12. "There are some popped __________ on the decks! That's a safety hazard!"
  7. 15. "This grill is __________, it's caked in grease and won't light!"
  8. 16. "I'm just stopping by for my beach __________, oh and there's some issues with the house..."
  9. 17. "This pool definitely wasn't clean, there's __________ at the bottom of it. I have a pool at home, so I know what it looks like."
  1. 1. "The __________ is not cooling down." Did you just put groceries in? "Yes, of course!"
  2. 3. "I've been coming down here for 20+ __________, and this is the most disgusting house I've ever seen!"
  3. 4. "I know dogs are not allowed, but can the owners make an __________? I'll pay a deposit, and he's hypoallergenic!"
  4. 5. "There are these giant __________ in the house!" Sir/ma'am, that's a Palmetto Bug.
  5. 6. "This is completely __________!"
  6. 10. "I know for a fact this is black __________, my kids have allergies!"
  7. 11. "I know I'm __________, but..."
  8. 13. "The decks are unusable! There's just too many __________! Isn't there something you can do??"
  9. 14. "You mean I have to buy the parking __________ to park on the 4x4 beach??"