BC Raptor ID

  1. 2. ___ Falcon. Dark "armpits",dark moustachial stripe, cream undertail coverts
  2. 3. American ___. Falco:two dark facial stripes,whitish belly, dark subterminal tail band,russet back, russet tail in adult male
  3. 5. ___ Eagle. Bronzed nape contrasts with chest and back. Juveniles dark brown with defined white patches
  4. 6. Northern ___. Owl-like head, slim body, long wings and tail, white rump, dark band on trailing edge
  5. 9. Dark brown above, white below; white head with distinct brown eyeline, long narrow wings, dark wrist patch, gull-like in flight
  6. 11. Buteo: long narrow pointed wings, brown breast band, dark subterminal tail band and wing tips, often high contrast whitish underwing coverts
  7. 13. ___ Eagle. Unfeathered "ankles", juveniles dark brown with blotchy white underside, heavy-billed
  8. 14. Falco:strongly banded tail, heavily streaked underparts, does not hover in flight, grey-blue above in males.
  9. 15. Buteo:rounded wings, dark patagial bar, streaked belly band,most morphs have rufous tail (2 wds.)
  10. 16. Turkey ___. Large raptor. Dark wing lining contrasts with light flight feathers, holds wings in dihedral in flight
  1. 1. Accipiter: rounded barred tail, straight leading edge
  2. 2. ___ Falcon. distinct dark helmet/cheeks,juv. densely streaked underparts, adults strongly barred belly
  3. 4. Buteo: rufous legs, pale flight feathers lack barring, long broad pointed wings
  4. 7. Buteo: dark carpal patch, white tail with distinct dark band, dark bib (2 wds.)
  5. 8. Buteo: dark underwing border, black pointed wingtips, wide black band on tailtip (2 wds.)
  6. 10. Northern ___. Accipiter: streaked undertail coverts, prominent pale supercilium
  7. 12. Accipiter: square barred tail, curved leading edge (2 wds.)