B.C Research

  1. 1. The laundry bylaws stated that Chinese laundries couldn’t be in __________ buildings
  2. 6. As a child, Billy Barker worked as what?
  3. 8. Old ______ trails were used to get to goldfields
  4. 10. The head tax was mean for which race?
  5. 11. George Carmack was born in _____________
  6. 12. Who Barkerville was named after?
  7. 13. Which gold rush happened from 1896-1899
  8. 15. In 1862, a San Francisco miner brought what disease?
  9. 16. The laundry kids were _________________ because they had to work after school
  10. 20. How many passengers were killed after one resisted arrest?
  11. 21. Two colonies joined to create B.C because they were in _____________
  12. 22. The Chinese working on the CPR were paid ____________ than their co-workers (white)
  13. 23. Who encouraged Gurdit Singh Sandhu to give himself up?
  1. 2. During the Klondike gold rush, which city was created and populated?
  2. 3. Who briefly served in the U.S Marine Corps?
  3. 4. What was the main town during the Cariboo Gold Rush?
  4. 5. In 1896, gold was discovered in _____________________ by Carmack
  5. 7. The riots where against what ethnic group?
  6. 9. Canada, being a dominion of the British Empire, could only discourage not ________________ the Chinese
  7. 14. Barkerville is now used mainly for whom?
  8. 17. The Komagata Maru was a ________________ plotted by Singh
  9. 18. Who hired miners to create the Cariboo Wagon Road?
  10. 19. What was modified 2 times so that the Chinese had to pay $500 in the end?