
  1. 3. is something round
  2. 4. you go to the beach with them
  3. 6. object to dry your body
  4. 7. its very cold
  5. 10. a long thing that you lay down and normally is green or blue
  6. 11. is something to cover the sun
  7. 13. is something that you put on
  8. 14. some birds that are on the sea
  1. 1. a thing that's on the beach an in the water that fish eat. We throw that thing
  2. 2. on the beach you bring that object and the things stay cold
  3. 5. helps you to float
  4. 8. this animal is normaly in rocks
  5. 9. they make a foam
  6. 11. are little stones
  7. 12. something that swims in the sea
  8. 15. were you swim when you are at the beach