
  1. 2. ride waves with this
  2. 5. beach sandle
  3. 8. beach cuisine
  4. 9. vehicle in the sand
  5. 10. vessel powered by wind
  6. 11. keeps ships from wrecking
  7. 13. wooden structure over ocean
  8. 14. ocean plant
  9. 15. protects skin
  10. 18. wooden structure along beach
  11. 19. washes up on beach
  12. 21. protects swimmers
  13. 22. children make these on beach
  1. 1. lives in ocean and stings
  2. 3. dangerous current
  3. 4. storm over water
  4. 6. where sky meets ocean
  5. 7. keeps drinks cold
  6. 8. creature with five arms
  7. 10. beautiful sky at end of day
  8. 12. lay on this at beach
  9. 14. protects eyes
  10. 16. blocks sun
  11. 17. dangerous fish
  12. 20. popular beach bird