
  1. 3. a refreshing fruit based drink
  2. 5. a common treat amongst people on the beach
  3. 7. a common tree in Hawaii
  4. 10. yellow grains
  5. 11. a hard surface found on the sand
  6. 13. what you'd stay the ight in
  7. 14. use for shade on the sand
  8. 15. an activity involving fish
  1. 1. the sun beaming
  2. 2. an activity that takes place on a jetty
  3. 4. a refreshing snack for the beach
  4. 6. the beach on a hot day
  5. 8. what you'd find on a palm tree
  6. 9. the most common thing to do on a beach
  7. 10. animals swimming around the water
  8. 12. sound of water crashing