
  1. 2. - The protective outer covering of a marine mollusk, often found on beaches.
  2. 4. - Casual, open-toed sandals often worn at the beach.
  3. 7. - A vast body of saltwater that stretches across the Earth's surface.
  4. 8. - A common coastal bird known for its distinctive cry.
  5. 9. - A cloth used for drying off after swimming or sunbathing.
  6. 10. - Tiny, granular particles that cover the shore and create sandy beaches.
  1. 1. - A sculpture made of wet sand, often shaped like a castle.
  2. 3. - A long, narrow board used for riding ocean waves.
  3. 5. - A lotion or spray used to protect the skin from the sun's harmful rays.
  4. 6. Ball - A large, colorful ball often used for games on the beach.