Beach day

  1. 1. Prevents sunburn
  2. 4. Lifeguards advise swimmers caught in a rip to swim
  3. 8. Likes to ride waves
  4. 12. A large fire built on the beach
  5. 13. to much sun causes
  6. 15. A popular beach sport
  7. 16. Beach footwear
  8. 19. Equipment used for underwater swimming
  9. 21. Someone who carves surfboards
  10. 23. Surfers ride them
  11. 26. smooth water
  12. 28. current water going out
  13. 29. Top of the wave
  14. 30. Used for drying off after swimming
  15. 31. Often collected on the beach
  16. 34. Surfer slang for white water
  17. 35. Common bathing suit for women
  18. 36. Creates waves
  19. 37. Common beach bird
  20. 40. Bottom of wave
  21. 43. Popular beach game
  22. 46. Waves are ocean energy going towards
  23. 48. The regular rise and fall of the ocean’s surface
  24. 49. Rough ocean water
  1. 2. shuffle your feet to avoid
  2. 3. Surfers refer to hollow breaking waves as
  3. 5. beach patrol
  4. 6. Never turn your back on the
  5. 7. Smooth ocean conditions
  6. 9. Powerful waves
  7. 10. Hills of sand formed by the wind
  8. 11. Long period waves
  9. 14. Creates waves
  10. 17. Someone who surfs without a surfboard
  11. 18. To stay warm surfers use
  12. 20. provides shade at the beach
  13. 21. Perform 90% of ocean rescues
  14. 22. A structure extending into the ocean for boats or fishing
  15. 24. The most important thing to do if caught in a rip current
  16. 25. Rip current misnomer
  17. 27. A marine animal with five arms
  18. 32. Australian slang for sun glasses
  19. 33. A small boat paddled by hand
  20. 38. Ocean water is
  21. 39. good for Jellyfish stings and sunburn
  22. 41. rocky or coral bottom
  23. 42. Rip currents do not pull surfers
  24. 44. An option to use if caught in a rip, flip and
  25. 45. Seaweed
  26. 47. Rip currents pull swimmers