beach read

  1. 4. the type of genre gus writes
  2. 6. a hot season
  3. 9. the type of genre january writes
  4. 10. a group of people gather together to read and discuss
  5. 12. a month of the year
  6. 13. the action that january's father committed; cheating
  7. 14. the drink that january kept in her bag in the book club
  8. 15. the college crush
  9. 16. the love affair;mistress
  10. 17. shop
  1. 1. january's best friend
  2. 2. when two people live next to each other
  3. 3. the place where gus and january get food after the book club
  4. 5. where gus and january first met
  5. 7. the author of the book
  6. 8. when gus asks a january a question on notebook paper
  7. 11. drawing a blank when writing
  8. 13. a home near a body of water that is not an ocean