Beach Stuff

  1. 2. When there is plenty of beach area it is ___ tide
  2. 5. Water is ______
  3. 6. I like to ride a _____ board
  4. 8. Small waves are present in ____ tide
  5. 9. Keeps out of your eyes
  6. 11. You can fly them in wind
  7. 13. Everyone wears this at the beach
  1. 1. What I like to build in the sand
  2. 3. You can see a lot of them flying
  3. 4. There are plenty of ______ at the beach
  4. 5. What I like to kick when at the beach
  5. 6. I like to throw this when at the beach
  6. 7. Keeps damaging sun from hurting your skin
  7. 10. Big waves are present in ____ tide
  8. 12. Keeps sun off the top of your head