  1. 4. Cream A flavoured Cream that is all different flavours.
  2. 6. protect sun from head.
  3. 8. yellow thing in the sky that gives us vitamin C and is hot.
  4. 9. a pair of shoes you wear to the beach.
  5. 11. hot meal cooked on this.
  6. 12. a game you can play on turf or the beach.
  7. 14. can look at the sun without hurting.
  1. 1. A blue wavy object that surrounds the world.
  2. 2. a line that catches this animal.
  3. 3. a tree that lives in the sea.
  4. 5. protects people from rain or sun.
  5. 7. used to dry of water.
  6. 10. a hobby that involves a board and the waves.
  7. 13. hot crispy golden sockets with potato in them.
  8. 15. a golden colour flooring that lives everywhere on the beach.