Beach Vocabulary

  1. 1. a type of large, rubber shoe used for swimming, especially underwater.
  2. 3. a type of umbrella for protection from the sun.
  3. 5. a large and usually expensive boat, used for racing or for travelling around for pleasure.
  4. 7. a covering for the head to protect it from the sun.
  5. 10. a long structure sticking out from the land over the area, where people can walk.
  6. 11. a piece of women's clothes that is worn when swimming.
  7. 12. a piece of clothes, usually made from rubber, that covers the whole body and is designed to keep you warm when you are swimming in the sea for long periods.
  8. 14. person on a beach whose job is to make certain that the swimmers are safe and save them if they are in danger.
  1. 2. a sport in which you wear a parachute and are pulled behind a motorboat in order to sail through the air.
  2. 4. a model building of sand, often made by children on the beach.
  3. 6. someone who visits a place for pleasure and interest, usually while on holiday.
  4. 8. a tube that you hold in your mouth to help you breathe if you are swimming with your face underwater.
  5. 9. a type of plastic or rubber mattress that you fill with air and use to lie on or to float on water.
  6. 11. a large fish that has sharp teeth and a pointed fin on its back.
  7. 13. an area of sand near the sea or another area of water.