- 1. You want a good meld
- 3. Stolen from James Calder because you didn't have one
- 8. Toe version
- 9. We are both in possession of
- 13. Chicken, carrots, mustard, leeks?
- 15. Best when covered
- 18. A place to sit or make chili
- 19. Pull over here for pampas grass
- 20. Host left us on read
- 21. November bugbite site
- 22. Heavenly dish from Kenmore Square
- 23. First fish caught
- 26. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, yum
- 27. You can't help but do this
- 29. Best when held
- 31. Source of the perfect height couch
- 32. World top 25 in...
- 2. Slowed your heart rate?
- 4. Original iteration of snug
- 5. Initial rendezvous
- 6. Out-of-body, in a sense
- 7. Atlanta restaurant while my knee was bleeding
- 10. Facebook goons or great way to fish
- 11. Bought during our first NYC trip
- 12. An interview weakness that's actually a strength
- 14. A kind bus driver was here
- 16. Not yet, in snug
- 17. Drunk on ___ when pulled over on Tuesday night
- 24. Go-to meal, pronounced incorrectly
- 25. Bottom version
- 28. Nose version
- 30. You in May 2024