Beebs in love

  1. 1. You want a good meld
  2. 3. Stolen from James Calder because you didn't have one
  3. 8. Toe version
  4. 9. We are both in possession of
  5. 13. Chicken, carrots, mustard, leeks?
  6. 15. Best when covered
  7. 18. A place to sit or make chili
  8. 19. Pull over here for pampas grass
  9. 20. Host left us on read
  10. 21. November bugbite site
  11. 22. Heavenly dish from Kenmore Square
  12. 23. First fish caught
  13. 26. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, yum
  14. 27. You can't help but do this
  15. 29. Best when held
  16. 31. Source of the perfect height couch
  17. 32. World top 25 in...
  1. 2. Slowed your heart rate?
  2. 4. Original iteration of snug
  3. 5. Initial rendezvous
  4. 6. Out-of-body, in a sense
  5. 7. Atlanta restaurant while my knee was bleeding
  6. 10. Facebook goons or great way to fish
  7. 11. Bought during our first NYC trip
  8. 12. An interview weakness that's actually a strength
  9. 14. A kind bus driver was here
  10. 16. Not yet, in snug
  11. 17. Drunk on ___ when pulled over on Tuesday night
  12. 24. Go-to meal, pronounced incorrectly
  13. 25. Bottom version
  14. 28. Nose version
  15. 30. You in May 2024