- 3. From England, coloring can be red, white or roan. A dual purpose breed.
- 5. From Iowa, polled with red body, white head, legs, underline, feather, and switch.
- 7. Scientific name for cattle not of brahman influence
- 10. From France, red (light red hair around eyes and mouth) or black in color, known for long body and maternal instincts.
- 12. Gray/White or Red/Black cattle with excess skin and a large hump. Influences all American breeds of cattle.
- 13. Cross of 50% Brahman, 25% Hereford, and 25% Shorthorn breeds.
- 14. Developed at the King Ranch, cross between Brahman and Shorthorn breeds.
- 15. At one point, there was 4 million of this breed running wild
- 16. Breed was developed in TX in 1946; foundation stock came from purebred Black Angus cows and grey Brahman bulls
- 1. From France, white body, and heavy muscled.
- 2. Breed was created in Florida in the late 1940s, have a hereford-type color pattern; known for their maternal ability, high growth rate, and adaptability
- 4. Same breed qualities as the Angus but red in color.
- 6. From Switzerland, oldest breed of beef cattle in the world. Original coloration is white and yellow, currently found in any color.
- 8. From Scotland, solid black, and polled. Can find this breed in all 50 states.
- 9. Cross between Brahman and Simmental breeds
- 11. From England, horned with red body, white head, legs, underline, feather, and switch.
- 12. Early crossings were done at the USDA Experiment Station in Jeanerette, Louisiana. This breed has a trademarked name.
- 13. Scientific name for cattle of brahman influence