- 1. Bovine who do not have horns are considered ______.
- 3. What cattle breed originated in India?
- 5. Young female bovine who has not had a baby
- 7. What cattle breed originated in Switzerland?
- 8. What is another collective term for cattle?
- 10. What is the most known beef cattle breed?
- 11. What cattle breed is heavy muscled?
- 14. What do we call cattle who are used for both beef and dairy?
- 15. What cattle breed is 3/8 brahman 5/8 Angus?
- 16. Castrated male bovine
- 17. What is the tallest breed of cattle?
- 19. What cattle breed is dual purpose?
- 2. What cattle breed has a long body?
- 3. What cattle breed is ½ brahman, ¼ Hereford ¼ shorthorn?
- 4. What cattle breed is red with white head, legs, underline, feather, and switch?
- 6. What cattle breed was developed at the King Ranch in Texas?
- 8. Intact male bovine
- 9. Newborn bovine
- 12. What cattle breed is made up of 3/8 brahman 5/8 Simmental
- 13. What beef cattle breed is smaller in size compared to the other breeds?
- 17. Adult female bovine who has had a baby
- 18. What is a group of cattle called?