Beef & Mixed Farming

  1. 4. The colour of the belt/stripe on a Belted Galloway
  2. 5. On average, cows have ___ offspring at a time.
  3. 6. Female (no offspring)
  4. 7. This breed of beef cattle are typically red or black and always on solid colour
  5. 8. Young, neutered male beef cattle
  6. 9. This yellow coloured grain grows on a cob
  7. 10. This crop can be used to make crayons
  8. 12. The number of stomachs a cow has
  9. 13. Lacking horns
  1. 1. Grown female
  2. 2. Piece of equipment used regularly on a farm
  3. 3. Professionals that help farmers keep cattle healthy
  4. 9. Male or female newborn cattle
  5. 11. Intact male