- 1. white-faced cattle
- 7. naturally hornless cattle
- 8. intramuscular fat
- 11. offspring of any bull or cow
- 13. the act of a cow giving milk
- 14. carcass percent of a live weight
- 16. father in a crossbreeding system where all progeny are marketed
- 19. feedlot cattle fed a high grain diet
- 21. the growth phase where the animals are fed until they reach the required weight to be moved to the finishing phase
- 22. Brahman or Brahman crossbred cattle are also known as ___________ cattle
- 2. problems during calving
- 3. feedlot beef calves that are fed an economical diet for their first winter
- 4. removal of a calf from its' mother
- 5. cow mature cow in the herd that will have multiple offspring
- 6. measuring of differences of heritable and economic traits
- 9. heifers retained for herd growth
- 10. breed from Europe
- 12. profitable weight gain by thin cattle
- 15. crossbred cattle
- 17. becoming pregnant
- 18. calf young cattle that have just been weaned
- 20. mother and offspring pair