Beef/Dairy Crossword puzzle

  1. 5. an animal of mixed breeding or whose lineage is unknown is called
  2. 7. the period of time after a drug is administered to an animal that the milk or meat from the animal must not be used for human food.
  3. 10. a recurring period of sexual receptivity and fertility in many female mammals; heat.
  4. 11. a cow not currently milking which remains out of the milking herd for periods lasting around 40 - 60 days is a...
  5. 13. mature female cattle
  6. 14. a plot of land on which livestock are fattened for market
  7. 16. the bacterial infection that is the most economically important disorder to effect dairy cows.
  8. 20. breed traditionally used for both meat and milk
  9. 21. young/baby cow
  10. 23. an animal that has ancestors of known lineage that have been registered by a breed association are called
  11. 25. removal or destruction of the testicles of a male so that it can not breed
  12. 27. desiring presence of fat in the muscle
  13. 28. castrated male cattle
  14. 29. the large holding device, where all milk is pumped and kept cool until a tanker truck arrives to ship the milk is...
  1. 1. permanently removing a cow from the herd is called...
  2. 2. the term for the father of a calf
  3. 3. born without horns
  4. 4. meat from a young bovine animal that is usually less than four months of age
  5. 6. a cow's ability to convert feed into milk is referred to as...
  6. 8. the proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes
  7. 9. meat from cattle that have undergone a significant grain feeding
  8. 12. a management unit that maintains a breeding herd of cows and produces weaned calves for sale
  9. 15. the process of removing horns from horned breeds of cattle
  10. 17. chemicals used to control worms or deworm animals
  11. 18. a male bovine that has been castrated after reaching sexual maturity
  12. 19. animals with four chambered stomachs
  13. 22. a young immature female cattle
  14. 24. the term for the mother of a calf
  15. 26. gestation period of cattle
  16. 29. intact male bovine