Before, During And After Jesus' Crucifixion

  1. 4. What approximate date did Jesus die?
  2. 6. what was the day called when Jesus rode into Jerusalem?
  3. 8. what animal did Jesus ride on into Jerusalem?
  4. 9. who prepared the Passover?
  5. 13. What evidence did Jesus have to prove of his resurrection?
  6. 15. Who did Jesus first appear to after the resurrection?
  7. 16. what time was Jesus put on the cross?
  8. 17. how many people got crucified with Jesus on the same day?
  9. 18. What time did Jesus die?
  1. 1. What day did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
  2. 2. How many days was Jesus dead for?
  3. 3. who does pilate send Jesus to?
  4. 5. where did Jesus pray on the night of his Crucifixion?
  5. 7. why did Jesus die for us?
  6. 9. who sentenced Jesus to death?
  7. 10. the night before Jesus' Crucifixion
  8. 11. the disciple that betrayed Jesus
  9. 12. what day did Jesus get put on the cross?
  10. 14. Who carried Jesus' cross?