Before Exploration

  1. 2. Inclination of a witness or historian towards a particular side
  2. 3. Beliefs about the world, how it works and your place in it
  3. 5. Historical concept; considering values and norms of the time
  4. 9. West Coast First Nation; celebrated Potlatch
  5. 10. Confederacy of 6 First Nations united by the Great Law of Peace
  6. 13. Carved from large cedar trees; used to represent a clan's history
  7. 15. Process of investigating and interpreting significant people and events of the past
  8. 16. Historical concept; determine if the event resulted in a change or reveals something
  9. 18. First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples
  10. 19. Haida ceremony commemorating event such as raising a totem pole; gift giving
  11. 20. Education that meets physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs
  12. 21. Land bridge exposed during Ice Age; basis of migration theory of arrival
  13. 22. Crop; Corn, beans and squash
  1. 1. Method of justice used to return balance to the community
  2. 4. Sacred medicine; burned for smudging
  3. 6. Oral tradition explaining First Peoples on Turtle Island
  4. 7. Ceremony; young males involving fasting and waiting for a spirit guide
  5. 8. Used to represent the four directions; balance needed in life
  6. 11. Belts decorated with shells; serve as record treaties between First Nations
  7. 12. Historical concept; determine the effects of a significant event
  8. 14. Name meaning "People"; resolved conflict through a "dance battle"
  9. 17. Historical concept; using chronology to determine what remained the same over periods of time