  1. 3. When I came outside without a coat in winter, my whole body …(bibberde)
  2. 4. We saw an … (alcoholist)harassing someone.
  3. 7. It warmed my heart to hear those ... (schitterende) words
  4. 10. Poor people are in trouble when food prices … (stijgen).
  5. 11. It’s absolutely ... (afschuwelijk) to let kids watch this
  6. 13. He was so surprised that he stayed ... (aan de grond genageld) for a moment.
  7. 14. When he saw that beautiful girl he started … (fluiten)
  8. 17. How he insulted that girl was just … (zielig)
  9. 19. I have strong … (verlangens) for summer.
  1. 1. I had 3 months of … (pijn) after my fall.
  2. 2. It was ... (verscheurend) to see their problems
  3. 5. His parents were very worried during his... (verdwijning)
  4. 6. I'm not sure that this is the appropriate time to sound triumphant
  5. 8. Her cheekbones are ... (uitsteken) a little bit.
  6. 9. The ring fell into a ... (breuklijn).
  7. 10. Grandma … (krimpt) since a few years.
  8. 12. He used a ... (scheermesje) to shave his long beard.
  9. 15. The most important thing is that you’re safe and ... (veilig en wel)
  10. 16. There’s some ... (geheimhouding) between them.
  11. 18. The animal crawled back to the ... (grot)