  1. 3. One of people´s favorite outdoor activity
  2. 5. I got late for the meeting because I was _____in traffic.
  3. 8. Past of the verb to see.
  4. 10. Food items that last longer.
  5. 11. COVID-19 is more dangerous to this group of people.
  6. 12. COVID-19 outbreak started here.
  7. 14. A lot of people together.
  8. 15. People do this for fun and keep healthy.
  9. 17. Period of traffic between 6 to 9am and 5 to 8pm.
  1. 1. A situation in which there is not enough of something.
  2. 2. People like to do this in their free time.
  3. 4. Vital, important.
  4. 6. If you can´t wash your hands, use this instead.
  5. 7. It´s harder to_____at home than office.
  6. 9. __________ contact during COVID-19 outbreak.
  7. 13. Fast means of transportation usual in big cities.
  8. 14. Travel regularly from place to place esp. to work/study.
  9. 16. Activities that happen in a covered place.