Behavior Theorists

  1. 3. development we go through 3 levels of moral development
  2. 4. experiential theory
  3. 7. theory says we must go through 8 stages of personality development
  4. 8. theory of cognitive development
  5. 10. theory children are social beings and develop their minds through interactions with parents, teachers, and other students
  6. 13. operant conditioning
  7. 14. law of effect
  1. 1. sociocultural theory
  2. 2. conditioning behaviors are associated with responses
  3. 5. cultural theory children observe and imitate the behaviors of others regardless of rewars and punishments
  4. 6. social cognitive theory
  5. 8. theory of classical conditioning
  6. 9. theory of moral development
  7. 11. conditioning behaviors that have a positive result tend to be repeated
  8. 12. psychosocial theory