Behaviorism Theory

  1. 2. A thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue.
  2. 7. Refers to the gradual weakening of a conditioned response by severing the association between the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli.
  3. 11. The reappearance of a weakened conditioned response after a period following extinction.
  4. 12. A type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics.
  5. 13. An attempt to foretell what will happen in a particular case, generally on the basis of past instances or accepted principles.
  6. 16. You are increasing a behavior.
  7. 18. The belief that all events, including human actions and decisions, are ultimately determined by preexisting causes or conditions.
  8. 19. You are decreasing a behavior.
  9. 21. To call or summon up (a memory, feeling, etc), esp from the past.
  10. 23. They believe human beings are shaped entirely by their external environment.
  11. 26. An event that is actually lived through, as opposed to one that is imagined or thought about.
  12. 27. Refers to the way humans act and interact.
  13. 28. Embraces moods, attitudes, and opinions and is most clearly expressed in interactions with other people.
  14. 30. A response occurs with increasing regularity in a well-specified and stable environment.
  1. 1. An element of the environment that naturally triggers an automatic response without prior conditioning.
  2. 3. The learned reaction to a previously neutral stimulus.
  3. 4. Actions that require the involvement of many decisions or events performed simultaneously or in succession.
  4. 5. Relatively permanent changes in behavior, skills, knowledge, or attitudes resulting from identifiable psychological or social experiences.
  5. 6. Any change in an individual's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors caused by other people.
  6. 8. The things whatever you can see in another person doing.
  7. 9. The progressive series of changes in structure, function, and behavior patterns that occur over the lifespan of a human being or other organism.
  8. 10. An intensely unpleasant emotion in response to perceiving or recognizing a danger or threat.
  9. 14. Social or economic circumstances that affect exposure to stressors.
  10. 15. The examination of one's own conscious thoughts and feelings.
  11. 17. Any procedure for conducting an investigation that relies upon experimentation and systematic observation rather than theoretical speculation.
  12. 20. Albert Experiment of John Watson that demonstrated that classical conditioning—the association of a particular stimulus or behavior with an unrelated stimulus or behavior—works in human beings.
  13. 22. Science of observable behavior.
  14. 24. A behavior that was the result of a stimulus.
  15. 25. The person who considered the founder of Behaviorism.
  16. 29. The branch of psychology dedicated to studying how people think.