Behavioural Factors

  1. 3. Alcohol is a ____________ and therefore addicts can suffer from low self-esteem
  2. 4. People who exercise regularly do not lead this type of lifestyle
  3. 6. Smokers may be _____________ in certain situations e.g they may not be able to attend a special event as they are not allowed to smoke
  4. 11. Those who exercise are less likely to get this illness as their bones are strong
  5. 13. Those who follow a healthy diet have this outlook on life as they are more in control of their emotions
  6. 14. This risk of this illness is impacted when hooked on cigarettes, alcohol or drugs
  7. 17. Smoking can cause the skin to age quicker and this is known as _________ ageing
  8. 19. Exercise does this to the body and strengthens muscles
  9. 20. Addicts of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs may suffer from these problems as most of their money is spent on their addiction
  10. 21. This is lowered when someone leads an unhealthy lifestyle making it harder to fight of infections
  1. 1. This is improved as blood is pumped around the body during exercise and therefore heart problems are less likely to occur
  2. 2. A smoker who is trying to quit may feel this way if they are finding it difficult
  3. 5. A healthy diet provides this so that people can exercise and feel fit
  4. 7. Those who exercise feel this way when they achieve an exercise goal and also when they feel good about their appearance due to exercise
  5. 8. These can occur when the social health of someone is negatively impacted by substance abuse
  6. 9. Smokers often feel that the cigarettes are in ________ of them
  7. 10. This is increased the more you exercise and therefore you live longer
  8. 12. Limiting the intake of these fats in the diet can reduce risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity.
  9. 15. These patterns are disrupted if someone is addicted to drugs
  10. 16. If people become addicted to alcohol or drugs they may have a run in with the ________
  11. 18. Exercise can have a positive impact on social health as it allows for social __________ in exercise classes for example