  1. 3. Chinese zodiac for the yar 2022
  2. 5. Unlucky number that sounds like death
  3. 6. Complementary force of yang
  4. 9. Pinyin for the colour that symbolises mourning
  5. 11. A colour in monetary gifts that symbolizes good luck
  6. 13. The only woman to sit on China's throne as Emperor in her own right
  7. 15. technique in which practitioners stimulate specific points on the body, usually by inserting thin needles through the skin.
  8. 16. Chinese unicorn
  9. 17. The 5th zodiac animal in Chinese
  10. 18. City that is home to Yu Yuan
  11. 19. First name of the founding father of the People’s Republic of China
  12. 21. round soup balls that are customary to eat during the Lantern festival
  1. 1. Colour represents power, royalty, and prosperity worn only by the emperor during the tang dynasty
  2. 2. ancient Chinese exercise and healing technique that involves meditation, controlled breathing, and movement exercises.
  3. 3. Material that makes the warriors in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor
  4. 4. The Confucian virtue ‘li’
  5. 7. Chinese name for the summer solstice festival; the longest day
  6. 8. Chinese zodiac animal that symbolizes power, nobleness, honour, luck, and success. It is gifted with innate courage, tenacity, and intelligence.
  7. 10. The Confucian virtue ‘ren’
  8. 12. invention accidentally discovered during a search for a potion to gain human immortality
  9. 14. One of Chairman Mao’s olds; Jiù Wénhuà
  10. 15. Official belief of the China Communist Party
  11. 18. Number in the Chinese valentine
  12. 20. Pinyin for the festival that commemorates the death of the poet and minister Qu Yuan who committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River.