Being a parents

  1. 3. someone to look after baby
  2. 6. kids play using their..
  3. 10. kids need a lot of this.
  4. 11. inside
  5. 12. wont eat their food
  6. 13. what everyone needs
  7. 15. they have things in common with you
  8. 16. something only you and your kid have together
  9. 17. opposite of yes
  10. 18. kid doesnt feel well
  1. 1. kids not listening to you
  2. 2. what a parent needs to do to provide
  3. 4. around the age of 5 kids attend..
  4. 5. parent
  5. 7. kids dont clean up after themselves
  6. 8. parent
  7. 9. kids go to school to get an..
  8. 13. kids hanging out with other kids
  9. 14. upset