Belize History

  1. 3. Reluted from the discovery of gol i california.
  2. 4. Belize has a diverse
  3. 5. A carribean county which has a melting pot
  4. 6. A group of people living in one area is best known as.
  5. 8. What drove the immigrants from their own country.
  6. 10. When people move from one place to another.
  7. 12. We have a diverse____ in belize.
  1. 1. Belize is a
  2. 2. Administrative, procedures institutions in belize.
  3. 3. What attracted the immigrants to America.
  4. 6. Manly came from natural disasters.
  5. 7. IN british guiana who was the first portuguese that first arrived.
  6. 9. Why do people migrate from their country because
  7. 11. Ruins were creatd by the