- 5. act in which there is a threat or attempt to do bodily harm.
- 7. harm that results because a person didn't act reasonably
- 10. family practice physician or internist employed by the hospital
- 11. save lives and decrease the risk for harm by providing care before a medical emergency occurs by intervening rapidly when needed for patients who are beginning to clinically decline
- 13. is the duty to do no harm and the duty to do good.An obligation in patient care to do no harm and an equal obligation to assist the patient.
- 14. unauthorized physical contact
- 15. litigation in which one person asserts that an injury (physical,emotional,or financial) occurred as a consequence of another's actions or failure to act.
- 16. is truth and is an essential component of a therapeutic relationship between a health care provider and his patient
- 17. Physician who specializes in critical care
- 18. self determination or self-management
- 1. character attacked and uttered in the presence of others
- 2. Intensive care nurse(ICU)nurse, respiratory therapist, intensivist, hospitalist
- 3. refers to the agreement that nurses will keep their obligations or promises to patients to follow through with care.
- 4. professional negligence
- 6. is the duty to do no harm
- 8. Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act(EMTALA) It requires hospital emergency departments that accepts payments from medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to anyone seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay
- 9. equality and fairness that is all patients should be treated equally and fairly, regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, or education.
- 12. the process of transferring to a competent person the authority to perform a selected nursing task or activity in a selected patient care situation.The nurse is always accountable for the task or activity that is delegated!