- 3. fathers day
- 5. anzac day
- 6. neuf sixteen, seventeen eighteen:
- 9. 5th month
- 10. venus
- 12. australia day!
- 13. the year your in
- 14. mars
- 16. 4th of something
- 17. quatre times duex
- 22. mercury
- 24. un deux ...
- 26. halloween
- 1. saturn
- 2. easter next year
- 3. dix plus six
- 4. duex plus deux
- 7. jupiter
- 8. 2nd month
- 11. best day ever
- 15. moon
- 18. first
- 19. vingt quatre plus six
- 20. pearl birthstone
- 21. quatre next year
- 23. no holidays ansstarts with an a
- 25. most liekly half your age