
  1. 1. without delay.
  2. 3. a legendary Greek hero noted for killing the Chimera.
  3. 6. the king of the gods and husband of Hera in Greek mythology.
  4. 8. anger caused by something that is not fair or wrong.
  5. 9. to walk usually for a long time.
  6. 10. an opponent or enemy that is very difficult to defeat.
  7. 12. a native or resident of Corinth, Greece.
  8. 13. a mortal Gorgon who is slain when decapitated by Perseus.
  9. 15. any of 3 snake-haired sisters in Greek mythology whose appearance turns the beholder to stone.
  10. 16. the tip of the spear that was used to kill Chimera.
  11. 17. a winged horse that causes the stream Hippocrene to spring from Mount Helicon with a blow of his hoof.
  1. 2. not able to be captured by attack.
  2. 4. a device that fits on a horse's head and that is used for guiding and controlling the horse.
  3. 5. basic or simple.
  4. 7. having an un natural, false appearance, or quality.
  5. 11. a law or rule that limits or controls something.
  6. 12. a 3-headed dog that in Greek mythology guards the entrance to Hades.
  7. 14. a mountain in Thessaly that in Greek mythology is the abode of the gods.
  8. 18. Greek goddess of wisdom.
  9. 19. the Greek muse of astronomy.