Ben and Will’s crossword puzzle.

  1. 5. the noun form of to say it tell before or earlier
  2. 6. the past tense of to throw or lie in or on
  3. 9. the past tense of to carry back or agin
  4. 11. the noun from or to act between or among.
  5. 12. the noun form of to build down or away from
  6. 13. the action or process of to grow or lie between or among
  1. 1. the action or process of to burst or break between or among
  2. 2. the past tense of it view before or earlier.
  3. 3. the past tense of to shape down or away from
  4. 4. to watch or see small or minute things
  5. 7. the action or process of to pull back or again
  6. 8. the action or process of to Burt’s or break not to opposite, to take apart.
  7. 10. in inclined to write about life.