Ben Crossword per7 Nutrition

  1. 3. nutrition that contains amino acids
  2. 5. sugar molecule
  3. 8. fuels the body
  4. 9. helps you make cell membranes and hormones
  5. 10. H20
  6. 12. is associated with healthy bones and teeth
  7. 13. the part in many foods that cannot be digested
  8. 14. micronutrient that helps metabolism
  9. 15. substance that requires nutrition
  10. 17. bone disease
  11. 19. desire for a certain food
  12. 21. found in foods that our bodies need
  1. 1. how fast your body breaks down food
  2. 2. nutrition that contains fatty acids
  3. 4. type of dietary fat
  4. 6. when the body hasn't had enough food
  5. 7. Mineral needed for the body to survive
  6. 11. fats that are liquid at room temp
  7. 16. has many nutrients inside
  8. 18. energy content in food
  9. 20. unsaturated fats from natural/industrial sources