Benchmark Review Crossword

  1. 4. This amendment gave African-American male slaves the right to vote
  2. 10. This construction project is an example of the Roosevelt Corollary
  3. 12. Meaning to build up a nation's arms, this was one of the long term causes of World War I
  4. 13. One of two women noted for their work in giving women the vote
  5. 15. Cornelius Vanderbilt was captain of this industry
  6. 22. This industry is associated with Detroit
  7. 23. One of the reasons why people settled in the Great Plains
  8. 27. Running east and west, these lines measure degrees north and south
  9. 29. This group opposed the use of alcohol and supported the 18th amendment
  10. 30. This industry is most associated with Pittsburgh
  11. 32. This amendment bans the manufacture, transport, and sale of alcoholic beverages
  12. 33. Along with electric water pumps and stoves, this was an early 20th century labor-saving device
  1. 1. This industry is associated with the New England area
  2. 2. Another name for the right to vote
  3. 3. This was the name given to the period when it was illegal to manufacture, sell, or transfer alcohol
  4. 5. This violent strike ended when workers dissolved their union and accepted lower wages
  5. 6. Used to grow a group in a region with very little rainfall
  6. 7. United States emerged as a world power after this war
  7. 8. The German sinking of this ship was one reason why the US became involved in World War I
  8. 9. Along with the Chinese, these immigrants faced severe discrimination
  9. 11. Henry Ford's use of this revolutionized the automobile industry
  10. 14. This was the name of President Roosevelt's diplomatic policy
  11. 16. In addition to shorter hours and better working conditions, the American Federation of Labor worked for this
  12. 17. Harlem Renaissance began in this city
  13. 18. Most of the fighting of the Spanish American War took place here
  14. 19. This amendment bans slavery in the United States
  15. 20. This amendment grants citizenship and equal protection to former slaves
  16. 21. These northerners took advantage of the South during Reconstruction
  17. 24. This amendment gave women the right to vote
  18. 25. Native Americans were forced to settle here during western expansion
  19. 26. Name given Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria in World War I
  20. 28. Peace-keeping organization formed after World War I
  21. 31. Cuban freedom fighters were seeking independence from this country