BENV - English legal

  1. 3. The area of law dealing with rights and remedies sought by individuals (5,3)
  2. 5. The party against whom a lawsuit is brought in a civil case (9)
  3. 7. an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances (9)
  4. 13. The UK's highest court of appeal (7,5)
  5. 14. A remedy in equity, requiring the performance of a contract (8,11)
  6. 15. Legal reasoning that is not binding but may be persuasive in future cases (6,5)
  7. 16. A written law passed by a legislative body (7)
  8. 17. A single important rule, a set of rules, a theory, or a principle that is widely followed in a field of law (8)
  1. 1. A law or a set of laws that have been passed by Parliament (11)
  2. 2. A court order requiring someone to do or refrain from doing something (10)
  3. 4. An amount of money awarded by a court in order to compensate a claimant who has suffered loss or damage as a result of a wrong for which the defendant is responsible (7)
  4. 6. The person who represents and advises clients in legal matters, often appearing in court (9)
  5. 8. The body responsible for prosecuting criminal cases in England and Wales (5,11)
  6. 9. The party that brings a lawsuit in civil cases (8)
  7. 10. A civil wrong that causes someone else to suffer loss or harm (4)
  8. 11. The person accused of a crime in a court case (9)
  9. 12. The principle that no one is above the law (4,2,3)