
  1. 3. higlac's grandfather.
  2. 4. the Danes mead hall.
  3. 6. the father of Hrothgar, Heorogar, Halga, and Yrs.
  4. 7. offa's father.
  5. 10. beowulf’s childhood friend, whom he defeated in a swimming match.
  6. 11. a Geat warrior who went with Beowulf to Herot and was eaten.
  7. 12. unferth's father.
  8. 13. a Danish king who was killed by Finn.
  9. 15. a descendant from Cain who murders people who stay in Herot.
  10. 16. hrothgar’s wife, the gracious queen of the Danes.
  11. 18. a Frisian king who married Hnaf's sister.
  12. 19. beowulf’s uncle, king of the Geats.
  1. 1. edgetho's son, Higlac's nephew, and the protagonist of the epic.
  2. 2. a Wulfing warrior killed by Edgetho.
  3. 3. son of Vels, father and uncle of Fitla.
  4. 5. a Danish nobleman who was Hrothgar's close friend, but was also eaten by Grendel's mother.
  5. 6. the king of the Danes who enjoys military success and prosperity until Grendel terrorizes his realm.
  6. 8. a Danish warrior who lends Beowulf his sword Hrunting.
  7. 9. a Frank warrior who killed Higlac but then was killed by Beowulf.
  8. 10. a Danish king, Shild's son, and Healfdane's father.
  9. 11. unferth's ancient sword.
  10. 14. wiglaf's father who is vaguely related to Beowulf.
  11. 16. a Geat warrior who helped Beowulf defeat the dragon.
  12. 17. A king of the Angles.
  13. 19. higlac’s wife and the queen of the Geats.