Berk Exploring Child ch1

  1. 2. orderly, integrated set of statements that describes, explains, and predicts behavior
  2. 4. newer fields of study that investigate the relationships between changes in the brain and behavior or social development; developmental _______________________
  3. 9. theorist best known for his psychosocial theory, which built upon Freud's ideas
  4. 10. perspective that views the human mind as a symbol-manipulating system through which information flows; _____________ processing
  5. 11. development that is a process of gradually augmenting the same types of skills that were there already there
  6. 14. development as open to change in response to influential experiences
  7. 15. ability to adapt effectively in the face of threats to development
  8. 16. approach concerned with the adaptive, or survival, value of behavior and its evolutionary history
  1. 1. theoriest best known for his ecological systems theory
  2. 3. regards directly observable events—stimuli and responses—as the appropriate focus of study
  3. 5. qualitative changes in thinking, feeling, and behaving that characterize specific periods of development
  4. 6. theorist best known for his sociocultural theory of development
  5. 7. unique combinations of personal and environmental circumstances that can result in different paths of development
  6. 8. beginning age period for the field of child development
  7. 12. theorist best known for his cognitive-developmental theory
  8. 13. environmental factors that cause influences on development