Berrios CRM Crossword

  1. 3. The ruling that threatened the entire system of segregation?
  2. 4. Martin Luther King Jrś wife
  3. 7. A motion that cuts off debate and forces a vote?
  4. 8. Who refused to give up their seat in 1954?
  5. 11. The brilliant African American attorney?
  6. 13. A form of protest first used by union workers in the 1930s?
  7. 14. Denied admission to her neighborhood school in Topeka, Kansas?
  8. 15. African Amercians and white volunteers who traveled into the South to draw attention to its refusal to integrate bus terminals?
  1. 1. Laws that segeragated African Americans were permitted as long as equal facilities were provided for them?
  2. 2. James Farmer and George Houser founded what?
  3. 5. Occurs when a small group of senators take turns speaking and refuse to stop the debate and allow a bill to come to a vote?
  4. 6. A 26-year-old pastor who became president?
  5. 9. Auhorized the U.S attorney general to send federal examiners to register qualified voters?
  6. 10. An African American air force veteran?
  7. 12. African Amercian ministers led by King established what?