Best NBA teams

  1. 4. 1 championships Lebron
  2. 6. 1 championships Dirk Nowitzki
  3. 7. 1 championships DAMEDOLLLLLLLLLA
  4. 9. 6 championships Jumpman/windy city assassin
  5. 11. 2 championships The not relevant New York team
  6. 13. 1 championships Canada
  7. 14. 3 championships Allen Iverson
  1. 1. 6 championships 73-9
  2. 2. 17 championships and Bill Russell
  3. 3. 2 championships Invented the triple stepback
  4. 5. 17 championships and 20 hall of famers
  5. 8. 3 championships waste of young talent
  6. 9. 2 championships Tall people carried since 70s
  7. 10. 3 championships Jimbo Buckets
  8. 12. 5 championships #1 win percentage franchise